I want to include here the travelling exhibition that resulted from Fibre Content. See my home page for details.
I did not blog as I worked on this piece, thinking at the time it was a worthy statement. The printing was too dark and the composition not impressive. However, with some chopping, rearranging, highlighting and inclusion of research into the hydrangea, I ended up with this result.
What does it say? It is a jumble of research and personal information – as life is!
Hydrangeas connect my past and present; brought to Europe in seventeen thirty six, sailed over water; Asias, N. America; like porous soil; Japanese macrophylla; leaves roots flowers, antimalerial, diruretic, antitussive cough; antihaemorrhagic; peegee contain rutin; leaves of lacecaps are sweet, water to drink, hydor; pink, red, white, blue; flower power, paniculata; angos means vessel; alkaline for pink and red; sweet leaves; Annabelle from Americas; Hydrangeaeae; hydor, acqua vita, drink; morning sun; afternoon shade; absorb aluminum; acid soil for blue
My title, Clouded Heads, is both literal and metaphoric. For me the piece represents a group of people, huddled and protective. In my sequel to this work, I will tell you the endearing story of the Annabelle hydrangea.